Upcoming Opportunities: May 2018

There are several exciting calls for proposals/applications/nominations with upcoming deadlines that we’d like to bring to your attention. For more details and the full listing of many more interesting opportunities, please check out the Opportunities section here. If you have a relevant opportunity that you would like added, please email us at cihablog[at]gmail[dot]com.


Call for Applications: 3rd CODESRIA / CASB Summer School in African Studies and Area Studies in Africa / Appel à candidatures : 3ème Ecole d’été CODESRIA – CASB en études africaines et études de région en Afrique (Deadline: 30th June / Délai de dépôt des candidatures : 30 juin)

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and The Centre for African Studies Basel (CASB) call for applications for the 3rd CODESRIA/CASB Summer School in African Studies and Area Studies in Africa. The Summer School is offered with the generous support of the Oumou Dilly Foundation (Switzerland) in cooperation with CODESRIA and aims at strengthening the links between the community of scholars organized in the CODESRIA community and scholars from the African Studies community in Switzerland.

Le Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique (CODESRIA) et le Centre pour les études africaines de Bâle (CASB) lancent un appel à candidatures pour la troisième édition de l’École d’été CODESRIA-CASB en études africaines et études de région en Afrique. Cette École d’été, organisée avec le généreux soutien de la Fondation Oumou Dilly (Suisse) en collaboration avec le CODESRIA, vise à renforcer les liens entre la communauté de chercheurs regroupés au sein du CODESRIA et leurs homologues spécialistes des études africaines établis en Suisse.

Find more information here: http://www.cihablog.com/job/call-applications-3rd-codesria-casb-summer-school-african-studies-area-studies-africa-appel-candidatures-3eme-ecole-dete-codesria-casb-en-etudes-africaines-et-etudes/

Call for Papers CHCI Africa Workshop – Addis 2019 (Deadline: June 1)

The first CHCI Africa Workshop, Addis 2019, will be held at Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia). Hosted by the Consortium of Humanities Institutes and Centers (CHCI) in collaboration with the College of Performing and Visual Art and the Center of African Studies at Addis Ababa University, the workshop will include intensive seminars, mentoring and training workshops, and guest lectures. Humanities graduate students studying in African universities and those who have received their PhDs since 2010 and are based in Africa are invited to apply. Find more information here: http://www.cihablog.com/job/cfp-chci-africa-workshop-addis-2019/.

2018 Gabr Fellowship (Deadline: May 31)

The East-West: The Art of Dialogue initiative, established by the Shafik Gabr Foundation, organizes an annual exchange program, the Gabr Fellowship, for young emerging leaders from the East and West to join forces to develop and implement projects addressing critical issues in their countries. Each year, the Gabr Fellowship consists of 20-24 Fellows. Program participants spend ten days in Egypt, followed by a further week in the U.S., building enduring connections through hands-on activities, rigorous discussions, web-based interaction and, most importantly, their own collaborative Action Projects. Find more information here: http://www.cihablog.com/job/2018-gabr-fellowship/

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