Upcoming Opportunities: August 2018

There are several exciting calls for proposals/applications/nominations with upcoming deadlines that we’d like to bring to your attention. For more details and the full listing of many more interesting opportunities, please check out the Opportunities section here. If you have a relevant opportunity that you would like added, please email us at cihablog[at]gmail[dot]com.


Call for Papers: “Change and Continuity: Politics, Socio-Economic Development and International Relations in Africa and the World” (Deadline: 15 August 2018)

The 14th National Biennial Conference will be held at the University of Pretoria from 1-3 October 2018 on the theme of the “Change and Continuity: Politics, Socio-Economic Development and International Relations in Africa and the World.” While the public deadline for abstracts has closed, you are still welcome to propose special panels that can be accommodated. Find more information here: http://www.cihablog.com/job/cfp-change-and-continuity-politics-socio-economic-development-and-international-relations-in-africa-and-the-world/

2019 Acumen Foundation Fellowship (Deadline: 9 September 2018)

The Acumen Fellowship program is building a pipeline of leaders who understand what it takes to create lasting social change. The Fellows Program is a one-year leadership development program designed to connect and cultivate a pipeline of social change-makers who are committed to tackling poverty in their communities. Find more information here: http://www.cihablog.com/job/acumen-2019-fellowship-program/

Call for Papers: University of Ghana’s All African Peoples Conference (Deadline: 17 September 2018)

The Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana invites individuals or groups to submit paper abstracts to participate in the Revisiting the 1958 All-African People’s Conference – The Unfinished Business of Liberation and Transformation. The upcoming conference is designed to encourage activist groups, scholars, cultural workers and practitioners to engage in open and dispassionate reflection on the African condition in the contemporary world, against the backdrop of the 1958 conference. Find more information here: http://www.cihablog.com/job/cfp-all-african-peoples-conference-univ-of-ghana/

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