Contribute to WikiAfrica

Dear Readers,

We wanted to share this opportunity to shape knowledge about Africa with you.

Cecelia Lynch, Editor

Celebrate Africa, Rise to the WikiAfrica Challenge

Wikipedia is the world’s largest collection of global knowledge that is accessible to all. And yet, due to a range of reasons, the wealth of information on Africa has not yet made it onto Wikipedia. And what information that has made it onto Wikipedia is often selective, out-of-context and incomplete. Africa deserves a new deal – and especially in Wikipedia. This Africa Day we would like you to begin to redress this balance. WikiAfrica needs YOUR knowledge, your passion, your help. You can help a little, you can help a lot. If you are interested in sharing your knowledge, then please fill in the form (accessed in the above link). Once we know what you are interested in, WikiAfrica will send you articles that you can read, or help to edit. Let’s celebrate Africa!

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