New Resources: Journals, Books, Scholarship Tool, and Mailing List

We would like to share the following new resources that may be of relevance to our CIHA Blog readers. If you have other resources, events or opportunities that you would like us to share with the CIHA Blog community, please email the details to cihablog[at]gmail[dot]com.

New journal: “Religions” (ISSN 2077-1444;

Religions is an international, open access scholarly journal, publishing peer reviewed studies of religious thought and practice. It is indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, ATLA Religion Database, among others and is currently issuing Volume 8. To submit to the journal, click here.

Online journal resource: Sabinet

Sabinet offers online research and tools that can enhance research efficacy. Their portal ( offers access to a wide selection of Open Access content and peer-reviewed Southern African and African content. Complementing African research, Sabinet has in-depth historical value in South African history via SA Media – Find the site here.

Independent African Publishing: African Books Collective

African Books Collective (ABC) is an African owned, worldwide marketing and distribution outlet for 2,500 print titles from Africa, of which 800 are also ebooks – scholarly, literature and children’s books. Founded, owned and governed by a group of African publishers, its participants are 154 independent and autonomous African publishers from 24 countries. Find their latest works available here.

Scholarship databases:

With an aim to raise awareness around the barriers that hinder students from pursuing college education, recently conducted a systematic review of the online tools available for sorting and finding available scholarships. After over 200 hours researching 17 of the most popular scholarship search platforms the site developed a guide for scholarship search tools along with some of their features here.

Mailing list: Research Africa

This new mailing list is generously funded by Duke Africa Initiative and is currently distributed weekly. The purpose of this Duke University-based platform is to develop and facilitate a scholarly network on and about Africa and African issues, especially at the intersection of Islam and Africa. To join the list, email

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